Collection: Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a legume that can fix most of its own nitrogen, is deep-rooted to give drought tolerance, and yields well during the hotter part of the summer. On many farms today, alfalfa stands are only in production for three to four years. Byron Seeds selects only the highest-performing varieties for maximum yields throughout the life span of the stand.

You hear a lot about low lignin alfalfas in the industry today, and while they have good quality, they do have a drag on yield. KingFisher alfalfas have improved fiber digestibility on farms throughout the US. KingFisher alfalfas and alfalfa/grass mixes have produced award-winning yields of high-quality forages that have garnered many honors and championships in the rigorous, unbiased World Dairy Expo Forage Analysis Superbowl.

Many modern varieties can handle 28-day cutting schedules and, in fact, some elite varieties need that type of management to perform their best.  One very critical aspect of alfalfa management is knowing when to take the last cutting in the fall.  Alfalfa needs five weeks of growth before a killing frost (25 F).  In some areas, another cutting can be taken after frost when the alfalfa is dormant.

Higher fall dormancy numbers in alfalfa indicate early spring and late fall growth, thus increased yield.  For winter survival, the lower the winter survival number, the more winter hardy the variety. 

Alfalfa can be planted in the spring or late summer, but we recommend late summer whenever possible.  If spring sown, a nurse crop of grass or small grain is recommended to maximize the tonnage in the seeding year.  We usually recommend seeding grass with alfalfa to give a higher tonnage and a better quality feed for the life of the stand.  Good ratios of sulfur, boron, and phosphorus as well as a PH above 6.5 are critical for alfalfa.  Nitrogen is key for good grass yields.

Alfalfa exhibits autotoxicity, which means established plants (older than 6 months) give off compounds that prevent new alfalfa seedlings from establishing.

Effective February 1, 2022. Prices subject to change without notice

MIXING FEES UP TO 2000 lbs.-$.10LB, 2000 LBS OR MORE $.07 LB.

Split Bag Charges Apply to all Custom Mixes.