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KF 51C50

KF 51C50

Regular price $0.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.00 USD
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Medium-tall robust plant with great silage appeal and a wide range of adaptability in multiple regions. The pedigree behind this hybrid brings time-tested consistency with new era yield for silage and grain.

FiberGest (30-hr. NDFD): SofStarch (ISVD7): Milk per Ton: Digestible Fiber per Acre:
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
  • Recommended Population 30-34K
  • Keep populations on higher end for top yield in better soils
  • Very good dual purpose for silage and grain
  • Strong performance between Interstate 90 and Interstate 70
  • Can move south as an early hybrid
  • Use caution applying Capreno, Sharpen, Status, or Corvus herbicides while hybrid is under environmental stress as grain yields may be reduced
                Seedling Vigor: Excellent
                Stay Green: Excellent
                Plant Height: Medium-Tall Dry Down: Very Good
                Ear Height: Medium-High
                Test Weight: Very Good
                Ear Flex: Very Good

                Gray Leaf Spot Tolerance:

                Very Good
                Cob Color: Light Red
                Northern Leaf Blight Tolerance: Very Good
                Stalk Strength: Very Good
                Goss’s Wilt Tolerance: Very Good
                Root Strength: Excellent
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